Monday, June 20, 2016

How I learned Hakuna Matata and to love the Mouse

It is no secret to those who know me, even a little, that I love Disney.  I am not so blind that I willfully ignore the negatives - please don't spout to me the evils of money-grubbing corporations, how princesses are poisoning my girls, or that the 'bang-for-your-buck' is decreasing... I totally understand that Disney is a company and that their primary commitment is to the bottom line.  That said, you can say that for ANY company (well, any large company trying to stay large) but Disney does it differently: they use MAGIC.

Now, before you roll your eyes, MAGIC isn't just what can be found in pixie dust, flying nannies, or wizarding schools... MAGIC is that thing that creates a moment.  A moment that is captured in time and frozen because the only way something like that could be happening is through a collision of forces and circumstances that that very insant..... MAGIC.  From the sense of wonder in a child meeting their favorite costumed friend to a teenager's elusive smile peaking out when their mom freaks out on Space Mountain to that time an adult in a frustrating situation finds it not only eliminated but turned into a positive... MAGIC.

I love the MAGIC; I wholeheartedly believe in it not only when I visit the parks or watch a movie but in life.  I have seen those moments when you can catch someone off-guard and realize that your one small gesture has made a lasting impact.  I have bought an ice cream for a child who was pennies shy, I have carried groceries for a mom juggling a toddler and a teeny, I have been there for a friend who needed nothing more in the world than a shoulder to fall upon... and I have had all these moments reciprocated and then some.  MAGIC.

In the day-to-day toils of life the heaviness of realizing the world is NOT a fairy tale that can be wrapped up happily with the help of singing woodland creatures in a 2 hour span can be disheartening.  The truth is, life is hard.  It's full of ups and downs; high points that seem to disappear all too quick and low points that overstay their welcome.  There are so many times I watch my littlest whose imagination is just developing and envy her understanding of the world - where a spatula can be a wand, a Lego a water balloon, and the dog her noble steed as they work to defeat the evil screen door which has captured her imaginary dragon... here I stand excited when my spatula doesn't end up broken or melted after use. 

But I digress - it's those moments holding a spatula that is just a spatula, helping with homework while watching the clock and HOPING husband can make it home before dinner makes it on the table that the MAGIC is most important.  And, because of the need to fill those moments with it, I have become a firm believer in the MAGIC.  So, I write this blog to add stories about my experiences with the MAGIC - both related to Disney but also related to life in hopes that others may find the MAGIC in their lives and it might give you that brief snapshot in time that stays with you when you need it the most.

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